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Biden ditched Obama’s apples and Trump’s Diet Coke button for salt water taffy from Delaware: ‘He has the tastes of a 5-year-old’

Biden ditched Obama’s apples and Trump’s Diet Coke button for salt water taffy from Delaware: ‘He has the tastes of a 5-year-old’

President Joe Biden’s on-the-go lunch may sound familiar to anyone who packed a bag for summer camp, with the commander-in-chief leaning on a few sweet staples to get him through the day.

For meetings, Biden often packs “a protein bar, a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich and a travel-size orange Gatorade,” according to The Washington Post’s Ashley Parker.

“He has the tastes of a 5-year-old,” a seasoned Biden adviser told The Post.

The commander-in-chief’ rolls with “not quite a lunch pail, but it’s his little bag of stuff, so if he gets peckish in a meeting he can have something healthy,” according to Democratic Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware, one of Biden’s closest friends in D.C.

Along with orange Gatorade, Biden is partial to Coke Zero, according to The Post.

While Biden will often have a soup and salad with grilled chicken for more formal lunches, he keeps a bevy of sweets on hand to squeeze into his otherwise healthy diet, Parker writes.

The new White House staples are a departure from Obama’s basket of apples and Trump’s iconic Diet Coke button.

“Instead, Biden has stocked the outer Oval Office with salt water taffy – from Dolle’s, a staple of the boardwalk in Rehoboth Beach, Del. – and his favorite chocolate chip cookies,” Parker writes. “In a nod to covid, each cookie is individually enclosed in a wrapper with a gold White House seal, making them hot commodities among staff and visitors.”

Biden projects an image of a happy warrior – or maybe happy camper – when he snags his go-bag of snacks while on the move for meetings in and around the White House.

“He’s got his little lunch and stuff, his books, and it’s like he’s commuting to work,” Coons said.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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