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Mary Trump Says Former President ‘Accused’ Ivanka Of Perjury After Jan. 6 Hearing

Mary Trump Says Former President ‘Accused’ Ivanka Of Perjury After Jan. 6 Hearing

Donald Trump’s niece Mary Trump said in an interview Sunday that the former president “accused” daughter Ivanka of “perjury” when he attacked her after her testimony in the televised Jan. 6 hearing.

In a videotaped snippet of her testimony aired at last Thursday’s hearing by the House panel probing the insurrection, Ivanka Trump said she accepted former Attorney General Bill Barr’s determination that the presidential election was not rigged, as her dad claimed.

“I respect Attorney General Barr, so I accepted what he was saying,” she said.

Donald Trump fired back on social media that his daughter was “checked out,” knew none of the details of the election, and was “only trying to be respectful to Bill Bar and his position as Attorney General (he sucked!).”

Mary Trump told MSNBC she regarded the former president’s comment as “accusing” his daughter of “perjury.” She referred specifically to Trump saying his daughter had “checked out.” But the former president also suggested Ivanka said what she did only out of “respect for Barr,” indicating she did not necessarily believe him.

Otherwise, the father-and-daughter behavior was “exactly what I expected from both of them,” said Mary Trump.

“I think Ivanka walked a very fine line,” she explained. “She did not say anything necessarily incendiary but, as we thought would happen, she decided she needed to come down on the side of what the facts support.”

As for Donald Trump, he “didn’t entirely throw her under the bus,” his niece said.

Mary Trump predicted that their future connection will depend on if they can still benefit from one another.

Their relationship, “whether they seem close or not, is entirely transactional,” she explained. “Once one or both of them come to the conclusion that there’s nothing in it for them, then they will move on.”

Trump, who’s a psychologist, believes her uncle both “understands” that he lost the 2020 presidential election yet absolutely cannot face being a “loser.”

He “cannot go there,” she said. “Being a loser is just utterly unacceptable” for him.

“At this late date, one of the reasons people find the ’big lie’ so convincing … is because Donald has come to believe it to a degree that makes the lie sound authentic,” Trump explained.

She said she wasn’t “surprised at all” that her uncle supported the call to “hang” former Vice President Mike Pence, as recounted at the hearing by Jan. 6 House Panel Vice Chair Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.).

Check out the full interview in the video clip above.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.


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