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Two women fall off 50-foot cliff on a golf course on Christmas Eve, found next day

Two women fall off 50-foot cliff on a golf course on Christmas Eve, found next day

It’s probably not the way they wanted to spend their Christmas Eve.

Citrus Country Fire Rescue in Florida reported that two women were stranded overnight but found safely Christmas morning after they fell about 50 feet off a cliff at Black Diamond Ranch’s Quarry Course on Thursday in Lecanto, Florida, which is about 80 miles north of Tampa.

“This morning, Citrus County Fire Rescue responded to a challenging rescue after two women fell approximately 50 feet into a quarry on The Quarry Course near Hole 17 at Black Diamond Ranch,” CCFR wrote in a post on Facebook. “The incident occurred on Christmas Day but went undiscovered until this morning.”

The 17th hole is well known for its sheer dropoffs. Holes 13 through 17 on the Tom Fazio design, according to the golf course’s website, “play across and around the rims of two canyons up to 80 feet deep.”

Rescue crews found the women and pulled them out after they “executed a successful low-angle rescue.” They reported that the two women were stabilized and taken to a nearby hospital.

🚨EMERGENCY RESCUE AT BLACK DIAMOND RANCH GOLF COURSE🚨 This morning, Citrus County Fire Rescue responded to a…

Posted by Citrus County Fire Rescue on Thursday, December 26, 2024

The Quarry course was opened in 1987 and held a sectional qualifier for the U.S. Open in 2012.

This article originally appeared on Golfweek: Two women fall off cliff on golf course on Christmas, found next day

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