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Biden news: President derides Trump on infrastructure, amid fury over Florida elections bill

Biden news: President derides Trump on infrastructure, amid fury over Florida elections bill

The White House spoke out against Florida’s new elections bill, which was signed into law by Governor Ron DeSantis on Thursday. Karine Jeanne-Pierre, a White House principal deputy press secretary, said the move was in the “wrong direction” and “built on a lie”.

In other news, President Joe Biden gave a speech in Louisiana on Thursday to promote his Americans Job Plan, which would focus on infrastructure projects across the United States. Mr Biden targeted Donald Trump in the speech by hinting at past promises the former president made to improve infrastructure but never followed through on.

This comes as Mr Biden’s secretary of state, Anthony Blinken, issued a warning to Moscow that the United States will “respond” to any acts of aggression or recklessness carried out by the Russian government.

Mr Trump attempted to rejoin Twitter this week through the account, @DJTDEsk, which would seemingly post statements from the former president and broadcast updates from his new blog. But the social media giant was quick to boot the account within 24 hours, sparking backlash from GOP members.

Progressive Democrats including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders have also celebrated Mr Biden’s decision to back a proposal to waive intellectual property (IP) rights protections for Covid-19 vaccines.

United States Trade Representative (USTR) Katherine Tai announced the proposal on Wednesday ahead of a World Trade Organisation (WTO) debate on the waiver after a small number of wealthy countries vetoed it.

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